
The-club-for-you was a group project assigned in ICS 314. The goal of this assignment was to create a website for all the clubs in UH. This website should effectively expose students to all the various clubs the school has to offer. This project was built with intelliJ using Javascript and React components, along with Meteor database functions. Github was used to manage and store the source code for this project.

The pages added was a home page, the page a user first sees. A sign in page, a page used by the user to sign into an existing account. A sign up page, the page a user uses to create an account. A sign out page, the page a user sees after signing out. A Clubs page, the page that lists all the clubs. A Favorites page, the page that lists the clubs that the user has marked as favorite. And an events page that shows a calendar of all the events that have been posted by a club. For more details, please visit the project home page